
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Game of Thrones Season 4 New Episode Titles and Synopsis

HBO has released the titles and episode synopsis for three more episodes of Game of Thrones season 4.

HBO has sent forth their (digital) ravens once again with the details for most of the May episodes of Game of Thrones season 4. The words they carry do seem to portend dark tidings for the characters hoping to succeed in (and survive) Game of Thrones season 4 – though there are a few glimmers of light as well.

Episode 5, titled “First of His Name,” will air on May 4.

Cersei and Tywin plot the Crown’s next move. Dany discusses future plans. Jon embarks on a new mission.

Next up is “The Laws of Gods and Men,” airing on May 11.

Stannis and Davos set sail with a new strategy. Dany meets with supplicants. Tyrion faces down his father in the throne room.

And then on May 18, episode 7, titled “Mockingbird” will flutter onscreen.

Tyrion enlists an unlikely ally. Daario entreats Dany to allow him to do what he does best. Jon’s warnings about the Wall’s vulnerability fall on deaf ears. Brienne follows a new lead on the road with Pod.

The new synopses definitely make it clear that the stakes will grow progressively more perilous for Tyrion as the episodes progress. Additionally, Dany appears to be keeping busy by looking to the future, while Jon tries to cope with the infuriating present.

And, you know. Sansa, Bran, Oberyn, Arya, Varys, Jorah, and Margaery will all probably have stuff to do as well.

Game of Thrones season 4, episode 4, “Oathkeeper,” will air on Sunday, April 27 at 9:00 p.m. on HBO.
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